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This a preview of some of the auction items available to bid on now or at the live auction.
Online Auction Items
(2) Round Trip tickets on Alaska AIrlines

Travel on your next trip on an airline known for its reliability and top inflight service! Enjoy two round-trip coach tickets on Alaska Airlines' anywhere system. Together, Alaska and their regional partners serve more than 120 destinations across the United States, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica and Mexico. New international destinations include the Bahamas and Guatemala!

Pack your bags - and take your next vacation on the Most Caring Airline.  

Generously donated by Alaska Airlines. 

Fire House Dinner (for 6)

Enjoy an amazing fire house dinner served for your family from our family. Dinner time at the fire station is a special time. Often very hectic, but it’s a time when all the members come together as a family to share in one large meal. Fire station dinners are notorious and this one will live up to that reputation. During your visit you’ll get a chance to see behind the curtain on what its truly like to be a member of the Seattle Fire Department, try on the gear (yes its heavy) and experience some Fire Department culture.

Hosted by Joel Andrus, one of Seattle Fire Department's Battalion Chief and a Seafair Board of Directors member. 

The perfect party size is 6 and any age group is welcome as long as there are a couple of adults to escort.  Please schedule before the end of 2023.  The location will most likely be the station at 50th and Roosevelt in the University District.
Seafair's Photography Team

Join the Seafair Photography team and receive special access to all the exclusive areas for Seafair Weekend. Learn from the pros how to capture the Blue Angel Jets, and the high-speed Hydroplanes. Includes admission all weekend, pit and other behind the scenes access. Special photographer boat access throughout the weekend including the Gold Cup Finale on Sunday.

Fly with an Airshow Pilot

Fly this weekend with an airshow pilot from the Boeing Seafair Airshow.  This ride will be with one of our aerobatic pilots flying in Boeing's Seafair Air Show. (Sorry, this will not be with a Blue Angel). 

This is a once in a lifetime experience.

*Flight is scheduled to occur on Friday afternoon, August 4.

Fly with an AirShow Pilot

Fly this weekend with an airshow pilot from the Boeing Seafair Airshow.  This ride will be with one of our aerobatic pilots flying in Boeing's Seafair Air Show. (Sorry, this will not be with a Blue Angel). 

This is a once in a lifetime experience.

*Flight is scheduled to occur on Friday afternoon, August 4.